Recycled and Upcycled Furniture

We escalate the value of waste material by upcycling repurposing for eco living

in collaboration with

We accept and collect
material waste

We process waste materials into eco-living interior products

We provide high value interior products

Let's Take a Look at Our Journey

What They Say About Us?

"Truly genuine idea from the owner, making great impact in our community, keep up the good work!"

Rahmadi (Coffee Shop Owner)

"Kumpul Kayu really helping me with their custom products and making the world a better place at the same time"

Rifky Alvin (Small Business Owner)

"Thank you for your service and products, i'ts a pleasure to work with Kumpul Kayu, support local business"

Anthony (IKEA Store Manager)

What is KumpulKayu and how does it work?

KumpulKayu was born as a solution to solve the problem of waste that accumulates with good waste management accompanied by interior product design that can be enjoyed by consumers.
KumpulKayu makes consumers as suppliers and product designs, where KumpulKayu accepts material waste and treats the waste according to what consumers want and makes the goods of high value

Where can I collect waste materials?

KumpulKayu is present in 5 big cities:
1. Jl. Srengseng Raya No.32, Jakarta
2. Jl. Medayu utara 8a no 11 Rungkut, Pucang arjo, 15, Surabaya
3. Jl. Cijerah, Gempolsari, Kec. Bandung Kulon, Bandung
4. Jl. Efrata No.114, Medan
5. Jl. Padang Gajah No.1-2, Denpasar

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